How to send SMS using Cute SMS?

How to send SMS using Cute SMS?

Send Single SMS
To send a single SMS, follow the steps listed below:
1. Using your laptop or a desktop computer, login to your Cute SMS Account.
2. In the Message section, click New Message.
3. Enter the mobile number in the designated "Mobile No*" box.
4. Enter the message in the designated “Message*” box. 1 SMS consists of 160 characters (1 credit) while 306 characters are the maximum available per message sent (This translates to 2 SMS’s = 2 credits). Or add a previously created template. (See Create SMS Templates).
5. Pick your “Priority*” for the message to send.
6. Click “Send” to release SMS’s.
For more information about SMS credits, please refer the article: What is SMS credit? How many letters can I write in a SMS?
Send Bulk SMS
To send a bulk SMS, follow the steps listed below:
1. Using your laptop or a desktop computer, login to your Cute SMS Account.
2. In the Message section, click New Message.
3. Check the option Send To Group.
4. Select the relevant Group from the Group Name drop down list. If preferred, selected members in the relevant group can be added by making use of Search button.
5. Enter the message in the designated “Message*” box. 1 SMS consists of 160 characters (1 credit) while 306 characters are the maximum available per message sent (This translates to 2 SMS’s = 2 credits). Or add a previously created template. (See Create SMS Templates).
6. Pick your “Priority*” for the message to send.
7. Click “Send” to release SMS’s.
Options to enter the message in the designated “Message*” box
A. Type a message that will be identical when sent to all contacts. or
B. Select a Template created prior to sending. or
C. Create a Template using the Placeholder Values. (See Create SMS Templates)