Error: Mobile number already exists! while adding contacts to Cute SMS account

Error: Mobile number already exists! while adding contacts to Cute SMS account

This simply means that the mobile number you're trying to add is already added to your Cute SMS account. You can easily check the details and existence of such mobile number at any time by following the steps below.
1. Login to your Cute SMS Account.
2. In the Contact section, click Manage Contact.
3. From the drop-down list of Group Name in the left pane, select the Contact Group - All.
4. Enter the mobile number that you wish to add in the Mobile No. field and Click on the Search button next to it. This will display the contact details.
5. In the Manage Contact segment, choose the contact you want to add to another Contact Group and click on the Edit option.
6. The Edit Contacts window will appear. Check the preferred Group Names where you want to include the contact.
7. Click Save to apply the changes.
8. A confirmation message will appear: “Contact modified successfully”.