How to set up mobile number validation for your Cute SMS account

When you set up mobile number validation for your Cute SMS account, you must provide an SMS-capable phone number to receive temporary verification codes from SATHYA. You'll use the code to verify your identity and help keep your account secure.
The text messages that provide confirmation secret code are free of charge. If you're not connected to your carrier's network when you receive the message, your carrier may charge you for roaming.
1. Login to your Cute SMS account page.
2. In the Settings section, click Profile.
3. Enter the mobile number and Click Update.
4. You will see a confirmation message as follows: Profile has been updated successfully.
5. Click Validate Now button. This action will send a secret code to the updated mobile number.
6. Enter the Secret code and Click Validate.
7. You validation will be confirmed with green tick mark as shown below: