Follow these steps to use the mailbox migration tool:
1. Log into SmarterMail as a user.
2. Click the Settings icon.
3. Expand the My Settings and Advanced Settings folders in the navigation pane.
4. Click Mailbox Migration.
5. The mailbox migration tool will open in a new window. Follow the on-screen instructions to import email and
collaboration data from a third-party mail server to your SmarterMail mailbox.
NOTE: The mailbox migration tool will only transfer email, contacts, calendars, tasks, and notes (if supported) from a single third-party mailbox to your SmarterMail mailbox.
SmarterMail is typically able to keep date and time stamps when importing from other email server as long as they follow the standard time and date format in the email header.
Trouble logging in? Simply enter your email address OR username in order to reset your password.
For faster and more reliable delivery, add to your trusted senders list in your email software.